Bala's Blog

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

GNU Assembler

I started studying for my Final year project - goaTee,a Mexokernel based Operating System, since last week. The team includes 8 members. Joe steeve of MECSE is guiding us to do the project. He had programmed the kernel and we are going to build the other layers of the OS. Now i am studying how to program using GNU Assembler. I am referring the tutorials downloaded from

Though the book deals from basic concepts, i find easy to learn things from it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Went to Kadhal Movie...

Me and my class mates (totally 21) went to kadhal movie yesterday. The film is fine. I liked the small boy working in the mechanic shop. He acted superbly. After the film is over we went to Aparna hotel and had a nice dinner there. When i came back to hostel the time is around 11:30.

Java Hunt Prelims

Today we conducted prelims for Java hunt as a part of Department activity. I expected lot of my juniors to attend but around 25 members (13 teams) participated. But all of them cleared the Prelims. Java hunt event is coordinated by my class mate R.Harish. The finals will be in next week.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Got Wipro Offer Letter and my suitcase theft.....

Today I got my Wipro offer letter. I was worried for the past one week since i lost my suitcase in my hostel. After getting the offer letter i became very happy. Thank god the offer letter came late. If it came earlier i would have kept in my suitcase and along with the suitcase the offer letter would be lost. I told both the matter to my parents they feel very happy when told about the offer letter but they started scolding me when i told that the suitcase was lost but they scolded not for losing the suitcase they scolded me for being irresponsible :-(

Saturday, December 11, 2004

PThreads session on LUG Meeting...

Today me and Arun Ponniah had a session on PThreads Programming at GLUGOT.Today's meeting had roughly 10 people. It started with processes, threads, etc.. and proceeded to race conditions, synchronisation, concurrent servers etc.. finally ended with details on programming using PThreads. I referred the man pages and workshops/workshop/pthreads/MAIN.html

The site provides me valuable information about Pthreads.